5 Habits That Stall Your Design Career - and How to Overcome Them

design business tips freelance life Oct 17, 2024
Designer creating a print design on a Mac computer

Do you wish you could grow your business or earn more money?

If you’re spinning your wheels but not making progress, ask yourself: could you be getting in your own way? Here are five common habits that can stall a design career, along with practical techniques to overcome them and get back on track.

HABIT 1: You design the same thing over and over

It's tempting to stick to a design style that has worked for you before, but this can make your work feel repetitive. As Creative Director Rebecca says, "There’s a lot of competition, and if you're not providing enough variety, your designs won't feel fresh." The solution? Ask someone outside the design world if they see variety in your work. Buyers and designers get print fatigue, so keep pushing boundaries and offering fresh designs. 

BREAK IT: The biggest hurdle is recognizing the pattern. You might not even realise you're stuck in it! Ask a fellow designer or a family member for feedback—non-designers often offer great objective perspectives. As Rebecca says, “Buyers and designers get print fatigue, so if you want to capture their attention, keep pushing the envelope and present fresh designs.”


HABIT 2: You forget about fashion

Beautiful prints are great, but beautiful and on-trend prints are what buyers want. Rebecca emphasizes that clients are highly attuned to fashion trends, often subscribing to forecasting services. Stay informed by following runway shows, and fashion influencers, and even subscribing to professional trend reports. Staying ahead of trends ensures your designs remain relevant.

BREAK IT: Take note of the international runway show calendar and browse collections as they are released. Scroll through Pinterest and follow fashion influencers on Instagram to stay ahead of trends. Many textile designers rely on the same professional forecasting services used by retailers. While these services can be more expensive than browsing sites like Vogue, they save you time and offer reassurance that the trends you focus on will reach mainstream or luxury markets, making your designs more relevant and marketable. 


HABIT 3: You can't be bothered with courses or tutorials

It might seem like a lot of effort and a distraction from your own designing to watch experienced designers at work, but we hope to convince you otherwise.

BREAK IT: Time spent learning and honing your craft—even just Googling a technique when you're stuck in Photoshop—can pay off immensely. Over time, you’ll find yourself designing faster, creating cleaner and more polished work. With a deeper, step-by-step study of textile design, your progress will soar, taking your skills to the next level.


HABIT 4. You resist new technology

You don’t need to be using Microsoft Paint and a fax machine to fall behind on technology—things move fast! For early adopters, new software, devices, and apps offer exciting business opportunities. But for those who prefer analog methods, keeping up can feel overwhelming.

We understand. It ties back to point 3: learning new tools takes time and can be expensive. While sticking to tried-and-true methods (like real paints and brushes) is great, technology is a game-changer that can't be ignored. Your competitors are likely already using new social media platforms to engage clients and producing digital designs at speed on tablets.

BREAK IT: You have to stay on top of it as best you can. If new equipment or the latest Photoshop version is out of reach, use cheaper alternatives. Invest in tools like Photoshop brushes that elevate your designs and build a strong, findable online presence, particularly on Instagram. These steps can significantly boost your business.


HABIT 5: You tell yourself your work isn’t good enough

It’s that old saying: “What you believe is true becomes true if you believe it.” When you're feeling down about your work, it can show in your designs. Negative thoughts are powerful, and if left unchecked, they can discourage you to the point of inaction, stifling your creativity and even your entire career.

BREAK IT: When those blues hit, take a step back and do something you love until your mood lifts. Then, take action on that nagging negative thought. If you're doubting your skills, invest in additional training around the area you're struggling with. This proactive approach will not only help you improve, but it will also boost your confidence and get you back on track creatively.


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